Saturday, March 05, 2011

Closet, but not cigarillo

I have recently seen a few pieces of incorrectly addressed mail for a person named Raquel Walsh. Seeing this name makes me laugh to myself as I can't help but think of the similar sounding name Raquel Welch. I have to imagine that Ms. Walsh's parents were thinking about Ms. Welch when they named their daughter, or that were the type of people who were so out of it that they inadvertently gave their daughter a name that sounds similar to the name of a 1960s and 1970s sex symbol. Anyway, I find this much more amusing than it likely is to most other people.


Anonymous said...

Why the extra "t's" in the title. Is that a keyboard malfunction for "Close, but no cigarillo"?

Anonymous said...

The comparative to Raquel Walsh would only be if one letter were different in an operative word, not the adding of letters such as "t's" and "illo".

Cameron said...

Apparently you aren't a big fan of artistic license?

Anonymous said...

Since I carry an artistic license in my wallet, let me suggest that the title could have been written "Close(t), but no(t) cigar(illo)" to better "affect the effect".

Cameron said...

Yes, I could have done that but I decided to do it the way I wanted to.