Tuesday, January 23, 2007

A Few Quick Notes 55

-Environment Canada is indicating that it is several degrees below zero, though I am having a hard time believing this assessment. Maybe it is a little cooler now that it is a touch more overcast.

-I learned that someone in my class found out about this blog from a friend. Apparently the friend was searching blogs and came upon this one. From information that she was able to gather she figured out that I must be in the same program as her friend. The relevant details, the URL, were passed along. I have been meaning to ask my classmate if she managed to read very much, or any, of our blog.

-I am thinking about taking a nap. This will give me a bit of a break before I dig into some pretty heavy reading that I need to take care of.

-Food would also be good, but I can’t say that I am that hunger at the moment.

-Today in class one of my classmates approached me about joining her group for a project. This was pretty good as I didn’t know what I would be doing for this project. I had been hoping that someone would just come up and ask me, which they fortunately did. The only bad thing is that we are still one member short of the required four, and we haven’t been able to finalize a project topic (preparation for this is why I have so much reading).

-Work was pretty dead again last night. It seems that Monday nights are not the big party night at Thomson House.

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