Monday, April 04, 2011

Big change to the special ballot application page at Elections Canada

As some of you may recall, a few days ago I pointed out that Elections Canada's special ballot application webpage was less than fully accessible. Most notably, to access the special ballot application one first had to use a clunky Java tool to enter basic information about one's home riding.

Not long after making my post I wrote to Elections Canada to draw their attention to the issue as I feared that the problem had the potential to deter quite a number of voters.

Much to my surprise, this evening I received a response from Elections Canada about the issue. An while they didn't quite acknowledge all of the problems that existed, they do have seem to have made a few changes that move things in the right directly. Most importantly, they have made the Java tool optional and offered an HTML only option that provides quick access to the PDF form.

I like to interpret the following quote in such a way that suggests they made the changes because of my email, though this may be reading a little too much into it.

To help both PC and Mac users online, we have incorporated, over the last days, one additional message and link at the bottom of each screen to offer the elector, as you suggested, the ability to access a basic HTML version of the application

Though they didn't admit it in their email, I think that they also fixed some compatibility issues relating to their Java tool, which now works on my computer. I guess the important thing is that they made the changes that make the form more accessible, anything else wouldn't be anything more than an ego boost.


Kathy said...

Well done. It sounds to me like they made the changes because of your email. I am impressed that they emailed you back and admitted it!

Cameron said...

I feel that they shied away from actually admitting anything, at least directly.