Friday, April 01, 2011

A Few Quick Notes 526

-After several hours of overcast skies this morning we have finally made the transition to rain/snow and high winds. Though we don't yet have a storm warning, other parts of the Maritimes have been warned about a snowstorm that is due to hit this weekend. So even if we don't get 30 cm of snow, it does look as though we will be getting something unpleasant this weekend.

-On a related note, it seems that there is an Ultimate tournament taking place this weekend that should be made pretty unfun by this weather. Actually, the likelihood of similar weather was exactly why I chose not to play in the same tournament last year. Anyway, I really hope that things aren't too unpleasant for those playing.

-After a little dilly-dallying this morning I finally got around to sending an email to Elections Canada about their less than function special ballot application webpage. Of course after sending the email I was taken to a page where it was suggested that I shouldn't expect a particularly prompt response. I guess I just hope that they change their system before too many people are discouraged from voting.

-As I was walking to an appointment this morning I came across this car.

I guess it must be an April Fool's day joke but I really don't get it.

-At first I thought a story from St. John's about the Village Mall booting Metrobus from their parking lot was an April Fool's Day joke as well, but this one seems to be real. This is definitely going to be a bummer for a number of bus riders and will again hit the people who can least afford to be hit.

My favourite part of the story was the part at the end when they talked about decreasing ridership. I wonder if the decreasing ridership might have anything to do with a decreasing quality of the service? My experience with Metrobus over the years has been that they have consistently made bus routes less useful and changed route structures so that trips to and from the same places take longer than they used to. No wonder fewer people ride the bus under these circumstances.

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