Saturday, April 30, 2011

A Few Quick Notes 537

-We are presently in the midst of another grey day in Halifax. Fortunately, at least so far today doesn't seem quite as rainy as yesterday was.

-Shortly after I woke up this morning I was sitting at my desk checking my email when I noticed a German shepherd-like dog walk past my window. A few moments later the dog was followed by his two police handlers. Though the dog was sniffing aggressively I got the sense that they didn't find whatever it was they were looking for.

-Apparently 'Steven' Harper is finally coming to Nova Scotia for a rally today. Of course because it is in Windsor instead of Halifax I won't even be able to consider attending, and I have no idea whether or not it will be open to the public or not - or if prospective attendees will have to register in advance and then be screened.

-There is a pretty good sale today at Strange Adventures in Halifax. I bought a copy of Power Grid and an expansion map.

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