Saturday, April 09, 2011

Campaign Event Recap 2 (update)

First off, sadly, it seems that that my Elizabeth May rally video is attracting quite as many viewers in its early hours as my Ignatieff video of a week ago did.

Secondly, while at the rally I noticed quite a number of media types, including Global, CTV, CBC, and Canadian Press cameramen (and they were all men) and several additional reporters. I should be clear that I did see at least one CBC reporter and at least one CBC cameraman. Given these sightings I was a little surprised to see that the story about the rally that CBC has on their website is from the Canadian Press. If they are just going to re-post content from the Canadian press I don't quite understand why they would even send reporters to such an event. This practice seems a little wasteful to me (particularly when my sense is that the Canadian Press had only one guy there instead of two).

I guess that's it for now.

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