Saturday, April 16, 2011

A Few Quick Notes 534

-I think today might have been overcast with a few sunny periods, but the more I think about it the more that I really don't remember much of today's weather. I guess I was paying attention to other things.

-Last night Neil, Rebecca, Jeannette, and I tried to go to a local restaurant to take advantage of a Groupon that I purchased a few weeks ago. Much to our surprise, the place was absolutely packed. I guess the fact that it was about 6:00 PM on a beautiful Friday evening may have had something to do with it. (Somehow all of us forgot to piece together that it was Friday evening and that Friday evening might be a particularly busy time.) We eventually decided that we weren't wiling to wait such a long time for a table in a restaurant that would likely still be overfilled when we got the table.

-For breakfast/brunch this morning I made a loaf of bread. It seems that I am getting a fair bit better at judging the volumes required for a single loaf of bread. This is good, as sometimes it is a good move to make a single loaf instead of a half-dozen loaves.

-As expected, Dal's tuition will be going up for next year. I am still of the opinion that the province may be shooting itself in the foot by allowing this to happen, but obviously they feel differently. I guess time will tell - but I think that they really can't risk driving away too many more young people given their already lopsided demographic balance.

-Just moments ago I finished some grading that I have been working on for the past two days. On both days I really put in a few good hours. Though these days were not particularly pleasant, that I have finished means that I should be able to promptly get back to studying.

-The Lounge Lizards are great. I really don't listen to them quite enough.

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