Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A Few Quick Notes 427

-While mostly overcast, and occasionally rainy, today, on the whole, seemed to be pretty passable, though certainly nothing great. Hopefully tomorrow will be a little nicer.

-Today, while at the grocery store, I decided to do a little multi-vitamin shopping. At first I was just going to quickly grab a bottle of general multi-vitamins, though when I saw that most options would put me at least the $10 range I decided that I should probably take the time to find a good deal or appropriate multi-vitamin. Eventually I settled on a 365 pill bottle for $24.99. What I found impressive about this bottle is that not only was it the best deal that I found, but also that there seemed to be few size options between 100 pills and several hundred pills.

-It seems that after a few days of haggling and coalition negotiations that David Cameron of the Conservative Party will be the next British Prime Minister. Also, after quite a number of years on the outside, the Liberal Democrats (arguably the party, at least the successor party, of Asquith and Lloyd George) have finally made it back to the cabinet table.

-My recently planted herbs and vegetables are continuing to sprout. I am quite surprised that so many of them have sprouted in such a short period of time. If time permits, I may have to try to plant a few more seeds in the coming days and move some of these recently sprouted plants outdoors.

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