Tuesday, May 04, 2010

A Day of Domesticity

Contrary to my habits, I woke up early this morning (well, not that early). This decision seems to have set me on a course of domestic productivity for the day.

I started things off by heading to the grocery store to pick up a few things on the student discount day (which is still ongoing, at least at Atlantic Superstore). I was particularly pleased to couple a cracker sale with a coupon (and the discount) to buy three packages of crackers for about $1.35 each. Amazingly, by about 9:30 AM I was in the checkout and ready to go.

Once I returned home from the store I started some laundry and plant related activities.

The big plant development is that all of the tobacco has now been moved to our balcony. To replace the tobacco on the plant shelves throughout our apartment I planted new seeds (primarily herbs, peas, and beans). I am hoping to get these plants to sprout before eventually moving them outdoors and starting the process over again.

At several points throughout the day I recall looking at the clock and being somewhat surprised that it was either still morning or early afternoon and that not only had I been working for several hours but also that it was still only early afternoon or late morning. Maybe I should consider getting up before 10:30 in the future, because if this is what it means for my productivity I may need to give it a shot.

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