Saturday, November 20, 2010

A Few Quick Notes 475

-Today has been pretty mediocre so far. So far we have had a relatively nondescript combination of grey skies, cool temperatures, and a lack of precipitation.

-Tonight is the first night of our Winter Ultimate league. As Neil has decided to sit this year out I signed up with Jeannette. For better or worse, we know no one else on our our team. I guess we will get to know them tonight.

-Last night I attended an entertaining/thought-provoking talk by Neil Brooks. The talk dealt with material covered in a book the speaker and co-author Linda McQuaig recently published called The Trouble with Billionaires. For those of you who are curious, the overarching message was definitely pro-tax.

-I have some grading to take care this weekend. I guess I might as well get down to it.

1 comment:

jlye said...

I was your second-stringer? :o(