Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I guess everything has been cleared up?

Yesterday I drew our readers' attention to a story about an unidentified missile in the Los Angeles area. At the time most of the reports seemed to suggest that precisely what had been captured on film by a local TV station appeared to be some kind of unidentified missile.

Apparently the latest take on the story is that the contrail was nothing more than a jet.

Really? A jet? And no one thought of this scenario yesterday?

What I find strangest about the turn of events is that when first reported upon, military officials seemed to suggest that it was not one of their missiles, not that it was not a missile. Wouldn't it have just been easier to say that you thought it was not a missile but a jet?

And then I would imagine that it should be relatively easy to figure out which jet it was given our modern radar and satellite tracking technologies. That the particular jet has not been identified seems notable.

Anyway, the whole thing continues to not add up. We seem to be dealing with relatively large-scale incompetence or misinformation, I don't see how it can be anything else.

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