Friday, November 26, 2010

A Few Quick Notes 478

-We are in the midst of a multi-hour rainfall. When this rainfall started I was hopeful that it would be brief and relatively inconsequential. As time has passed the rain has continued to come down with increasing intensity. Bummer.

-Yesterday evening I was one of about 12 people to attend my union local's meeting. At time we had trouble making quorum. For one reason or another we dropped the pretense of calling each other "Brother so-and-so" and "Sister so-and-so" during the meeting.

-I made a rather large batch of chicken noodle soup for lunch. It is a good thing that this batch turned out pretty well as there is quite a bit left.

-Due to popular demand I have decided to provide our readers with another puppy video.

[Embedded video]

While these videos still have some way to go before they become YouTube classics, I do think that this one is a fair bit better than the one I posted a few days ago.

-It seems that Danny Williams will be leaving politics and that Kathy Dunderdale will soon be Newfoundland's premier. Given that between now and October 2011 there will be a leadership convention and provincial election I think it is fair to think that Newfoundland politics will soon start to become a little more exciting.

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