Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A Few Quick Notes 561

-Though we had a surprise snowfall yesterday, today has turned out to be quite nice.  Actually, my only fear about today's weather is that it might get too nice.  By this I mean that we may see a 16 degree temperature swing that will bring us above the melting point and contribute to slush formation.

-Because of the aforementioned surprise snowfall yesterday I had to do some shovelling.

[Embedded video]

-I made another batch of chickpea cake last night.  Because Jeannette and I both overate at dinner we didn't have any last.  I guess we might have it tonight?

I am hoping that this batch will be better than the last one and that the changes to cooking time that I made this time around have paid off.

-I really should be doing work or eating lunch.

Cameron: 25
Neil: 0

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