Thursday, February 02, 2012

Glad I'm not driving in Halifax

Well, after a period of on-again, off-again negotiations Halifax is finally in the midst of a transit strike.

Though Halifax's transit system probably isn't used quite as much as it could be, it still has quite a number of users who will be inconvenienced by this strike.  And it sounds as though even non-users are being inconvenienced by increased traffic.

Strangely, Neil and I might some of the few people who might actually benefit.  If Dalhousie is successful in its negotiations we may be reimbursed for the period of time our U-Passes were out of commission.  And as we likely won't be in a position to actually use our U-Passes during the strike this will just be a benefit.

Even though I do stand to benefit from a long strike I hope that they are able to resolve the dispute shortly.

Cameron: 2
Neil: 0

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