Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Are bloggers working for the weekend?

For the past few weeks I have been noticing a trend relating to the blogs I read. It seems that there are many more posts on weekdays than on the weekends. The dips in the chart below should demonstrate this point rather clearly.

I guess I could probably find out if I wanted to, but I wonder to what extent internet traffic, and blog posts, dip on the weekend, or when people are not at work. For better or worse, I get the sense that much interneting/emailing is done on the job (to be fair, much of this might even be work related).

In other internet/Google related matters, earlier today I came across the Google Public Policy Blog. Though I have subscribed to their feed, I haven't had much of a chance to check out their content yet. Generally, I was initially a little surprised to see such a blog, but upon a little more reflection it made some sense. I am kind of curious to see which issues are considered important by Google and how they approach these issues. Anyway, some of you might want to check it out. Also, the focus is definitely not just the US. It seems that they are even funding policy fellowships for Canadian students (actually, a post about this program is how I happened to be clued into the existence of this blog).

1 comment:

Kathy said...

SPAM goes up on the weekend. I wonder if it is related?