Saturday, April 11, 2009

A Few Quick Notes 303

-It seems that the rain that was forecast for today did actually arrive, or maybe it was the rain that was forecast for yesterday that arrived today. Either way, it has been raining for most of the day. Supposedly things are to get a little wetter as the day progresses, though I don't know how much stock we can put in such a prediction.

-Last night, maybe at about 1:00 AM I finally got around to planting the seeds I had been meaning to plant. Aside from planting some pepper seeds in the spot freed up by my recent corn harvest, I also planted a few apple seeds (I am not expecting much), as well as a few scarlet runner beans for the living room. The scarlet runner beans have been planted to test whether or not the spider mites have actually been eradicated. If the test comes back positive I should be able to start planting a few more beans and vegetables in the living room (so that they can eventually be moved outside for the summer).

-I had to bake another batch of bread today. Hopefully I will be able to provide more details later this evening.

-Neil and I made our way out to a local bulk/large-size dry goods store today. Our main reason for the trip was to take advantage of a few sale items. We were particularly tempted by a 5 kilogram bag of couscous for $11.99. While there we also picked up a 5 kilogram bag of cornmeal for $6.99.

As things at this store tended to be available only in relatively large quantities I can't imagine that we will need to make too many return trips, though I imagine that any return trips will result in rather heavy purchases.

-I used the lamb bone from yesterday's leg of lamb to make broth last night. I then used the broth to make Scotch broth, which, at least from my perspective, turned out quite well.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

The bunnies look perfect as they are are on the baking tray. Great job.