Thursday, April 30, 2009

Beans, where are you?

For some reason while reading the Globe and Mail this morning I happened to read the Review and Sports section a little more thoroughly than usual and came upon an article by Russell Smith (whose work I tend to like) about a relatively new blog called Look At That Fucking Hipster. The site consists of photos of hipsters that have been given humorous captions, many of which I found incredibly funny (but maybe that is because of my time in Montreal).

On a related note, a few days ago I was talking with a friend about the recent influx of hipsters in Halifax. It seems that between October 2008 and now the number of students who I might classify as hipsters has really grown. When I was here in 2008, while I still lived in Montreal, one of the things that I found quite appealing about the place was the more limited hipster population. Unfortunately by the time I made it out here Halifax seemed to have caught up with Montreal, or at least come close in some regards (they still don't have as many hipster bars or events). I am kind of curious to see what the return of the student population in September will bring with it.

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