Sunday, April 05, 2009

A Few Quick Notes 300

-We had another rather overcast day in Halifax, fortunately this wasn't accompanied by much precipitation. Hopefully the forecast isn't accurate and we won't have another few days of gray before we see the sun again.

-A few days ago I planted a few tomato seeds. As we haven't had much sun and as I had stashed the pots in the back of my room I was imagining that I had wasted the seeds. Just as this thought was beginning to take hold I noticed that several of the seeds had started to grow. At the moment I can see the early stages of four relatively undeveloped tomato plants. I wonder if me moving them from the back of my room to a position by the window help? I can't imagine that it did much harm.

I am hoping that a few more plants will become visible in the coming days. I think it might be a little over ambitious for me to expect that all 12-15 of the seeds that I planted result in full-fledged tomato plants, particularly given the conditions.

-As is their habit, my bean plants are continuing to grow at an excruciatingly slow pace. I really don't quite understand why it is that they are growing so much more slowly than the other bean plants. Anyway, I guess I should just be happy that they are continuing to grow.

-Earlier today McGill called to solicit a donation from me. While I am not particularly surprised that they are trying to get donations from me already, I am a little surprised that they have my number in Halifax. I guess I must have made the mistake of giving it to them, but I don't know when or why I would have.

-We had beans with vegetables and corn bread for dinner tonight. By cutting the meat from our meal I kept the total cost of the meal quite low, though surely the corn bread hiked things up a little. I might have some leftover rice and beans as a snack later tonight.

-A few days ago a friend of mine mentioned that she recently made a chocolate raspberry cake and that it turned out quite well. I was immediately quite tempted and asked for the recipe. Of course, once I had the idea in my head I couldn't get myself to wait for her to respond so I scoured the hinternet looking for a recipe for such a cake that didn't require me to head to the grocery store. After a little searching I found such a recipe.

While reading the recipe I noticed that the contributor mentioned that they hadn't made the recipe themselves, but that they had consumed it. This should have been a bit of a tip-off that this likely wasn't the recipe for me. Not only was the recipe somewhat misleading about how much batter would be produced, but also about how much baking soda should be used. I am pretty sure that the recipe called for about twice as much as should have been used.

While the cake is quite edible, I am quite sure that it would be possible to make a chocolate raspberry cake that is much better. Maybe this will teach me a lesson about waiting for tested recipes.

-For a reason unbeknownst to me, I have had the phrase "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" stuck in my head for the past number of months.

-We have received quite a number of phone calls in the past few days. If this keeps up I might be inclined to take the phone of the hook for a few hours a day.

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