Friday, April 10, 2009

Today's baking projects

As I mentioned earlier today, I made both a batch of 'regular' bread (meaning I threw some stuff in a bowl and mixed it, kneaded it, let it rise, and baked it) and a batch of French bread.

Given that this was my first experience making French bread I didn't really have too much of a sense of what I was doing. Also, for some unknown reason, I decided to try using my mixer and dough hooks instead of just kneading the bread as I normally would. Anyway, the dough came out much harder and less malleable than I would have expected or hope for. It was so awkward looking and feeling that I was pleasantly surprised when it actually started to rise.

After this photo was taken things began to pick up a little. Not only did the dough actually double in bulk, it seemed to become a little softer and more malleable after it had risen.

The next step was to transform the dough from a rather shapeless lump into two things approximating unbaked baguettes. It would seem that this step was a little more challenging than I expected. I do think that some of the problems I had rolling the dough are due to the firmness of the dough.

Eventually I was able to stretch the dough out and get it close enough to baguette form to let it start rising again. Fortunately, this second rising took much less time than the first.

Before long the two loaves were ready for the oven. Though according to the Joy of Cooking, the oven had to be readied for their arrival. As directed, I added a cup of hot water to a pan in the bottom of the oven before adding the two loaves of bread. Then after about 15 minutes I was supposed to turn the oven down from 400 to 350, which I also did.

Eventually the bread was done and I removed it from the oven. Unfortunately, it doesn't look quite right. Neil and I both have the impression that it appears to be a bit on the dense side of things, though as neither of have yet had it this is still just a hunch. My plan is to serve the bread with dinner, so in relatively near future I will finally learn whether or not my French bread is a complete failure or not.

As you surely guessed, this is a photo of today's baking output. I giving at least one loaf away, but I am not quite sure what we will do with the other four loaves (I guess I do need some bread for stuffing on Sunday).

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