Monday, April 06, 2009

A Few Quick Notes 301

-Today was another overcast day, though we did manage to get a few minutes of something approaching sun later in the afternoon. I am a little worried that I will be hit by rain on my walk to school tomorrow, though maybe I will luck out and manage to miss it.

-It seems that there are now about six tomato plants visible. The few that were showing yesterday have shown signs of great improvement since yesterday. It seems that he tallest is now approaching 2 centimeters. If this rate of growth keeps up Neil will have fresh tomatoes in no time.

-I feel that the beans have really slowed down. The fourth bean plant doesn't seem to have grown much at all in the past week while the other three are definitely not racing along the string as quickly as they were. Hopefully this slowdown can be attributed to them getting less sun, and that more sun means that they will continue their growth spurt.

-I was able to crank out a two loads of laundry today. Unfortunately, as I was hanging my socks up to dry I learned that I had forgotten one of my socks when I was loading the washer. I hate having one sock of a pair clean while the other is dirty, it seems to really throw things off.

-I have an essay due on Thursday that I am further behind on than I would like. Hopefully I will find to get 'er done between now and then.

-While listening to the most recent episode of Stop Podcasting Yourself today I learned that one of the co-hosts, Dave Shumka, will be performing at the upcoming Halifax Comedy Festival. While I don't think that I can afford some of the fancier shows, I think that there are at least one or two shows in which Mr. Shumka will be performing that are in my price range. Hopefully I might be able to talk Neil or others into attending with me

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