Monday, March 15, 2010

A Few Quick Notes 408

-The streak of good weather continued through today, at least that is my recollection of things. What I have been finding most impressive about our recent good weather is that while it will go as high as 5 or 6 during the day it will then drop to close to -5 or -6 at night, which means something close to a 10 degree temperature swing in just a few hours.

-Not only is Gushue out of the Brier, the team that handed him his first loss of this Brier, Alberta, are now the champions. It seems that Neil and Rebecca, unbeknownst to me, decided to make their way to this evening's final game. Apparently they scored discount tickets from a scalper and had pretty good seats for what was, at least according to them, a pretty good game (even if Alberta did win).

-We managed to lose both of our Ultimate games on Saturday. This didn't really surprise me as the first team we were playing beat us rather soundly just a few weeks ago and the second game we were playing after already having played a game earlier in the day. It seems that we have one game left for the season/play-offs.

-On Friday my seed order arrived. I purchased some pea, bean, and tomato seeds.

Yesterday, with a neighbour/friend I planted a number of these seeds in small starter kit that I purchased a few weeks ago. I am already looking forward to this year's harvest. Hopefully I will be able to provide you with a few more details about what I expect to grow when I have a little more time.

-The time change has been brutal, and I don't think I have really even noticed it yet. Tomorrow morning is going to be incredibly painful.

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