Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A Few Quick Notes 412

-Today, as I feared, was less than nice. Though it wasn't as bad as I feared, there was definitely enough wind and rain to make things unpleasant. I managed to get pretty wet on my way to school.

-I am now 2/10 with regards to my Roll Up the Rim cups. I am really slowing down. I need to find a way to get myself out of this slump.

-I made two trips to the nearby grocery store today. This morning, among other things, I purchased 8 pounds of butter at $2.70 a pound. This evening we purchased, along with a few other items, 16 2 liter bottles of club soda. A pretty successful shopping day if I may say so myself.

-I definitely need to do a few loads of laundry tomorrow.

-I have been doing a little more messing around with our Feedburner feed. Among other things I think I have set things up so that our posts will be re-posted to my Twitter feed (though I can't see that this really serves any particular purpose).

-Yesterday, at about 11:00 AM our building's fire alarm began to sound. I was somewhat pleased to see that about half of those people waiting outside of the building were still in pajamas. All of a sudden that I had been asleep until 11:00 didn't seem so slack.

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