Thursday, March 08, 2007

A Few Quick Notes 71

-Another pretty nice winter’s day in Montreal. I guess it was well below zero, though there wasn’t anything too intense to deal with. It seems that within a few days we may actually be in for some above zero temperatures.

-I had another full day today. The day started with laundry, not one of my favourite tasks. From laundry I headed on to class. From class I went to the lounge to work on a project with a partner for about four hours. From the group work I went to St. Laurent to buy some sinus medication and stop by my bank. Then it was back home, where I had some food and am back to work (though at a less intense pace).

-It has finally come to my attention that I am really in need of a haircut. While I don’t really mind long hair I don’t think that it is for me. The one very nice thing about long hair is that I don’t have to do that much and I don’t have to keep on top of getting haircuts. I guess it might end up going in time for summer employment. The downside of this would be that I will have not really experienced long hair in the way that I had hoped to because it still isn’t really all that long.

-Though we are in the midst of an election in Quebec I haven’t heard that much about it. My studies and napping have been keeping me away from my normal newspaper habit, something I am only indulging in on the weekends these days. Hopefully I will get a bit of a sense of how things will go before the actual election. Maybe I will even be as bold as to make some ill-informed predictions.

-My herbal tea consumption rate is as high as ever. I think that I must have used 5 or 6 bags yesterday, most of them after 10:00 PM.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

It would be nice to see a picture of the moustache and hair before they go.
