Thursday, March 15, 2007

A Few Quick Notes 77

-Today was a beautiful day in Montreal. Things started off a little overcast if I recall correctly, but had brightened up by the time I left school. Though while things were getting brighter they were also getting cooler. It is now a few degrees below zero for what seems like the first time in days. My hands are actually not functioning correctly because of the low temperatures.

-I am now 1/18 at Tim Hortons. What is it with my playing style that is just not working. Maybe a more aggressive strategy is called for.

-A big project is due tomorrow. While I don’t really like it, I think one major edit more and I will call it a day. Or maybe an edit with some content based additions. I really need to make sure that I have been consistent (meaning covered the same content in my tables as in my prose).

-I have been eating a pretty fair number of vegetables in the last few days. It seems that during this upswing my meat consumption has really dropped off. To rectify the situation I think that I should go prepare myself the chicken breast that I have in my fridge.


Neil said...

I heard that most winners were double-doubles, maybe you should try those to increase you chances.

Cameron said...

That is a possibility, the only problem being that I then wouldn't be able to drink my coffees. The up side is that it would be a change in strategy.