Monday, March 12, 2007

Name that ‘stache

For a few days I have been wondering what type of moustache I am currently sporting. Several co-workers have referred to it as a “dirty Sanchez,” a name with which I am not enamored.

The problem is that I hadn’t been able to come up with a better name. It isn’t a handlebar moustache, I didn’t think it was a Fu Manchu, and after that my list of names ran out.

After a bit of quick research I was able to determine that it is a horseshoe mustache, with elements of a Fu Manchu creeping in. In addition to the Horseshoe I also have a soul patch under my lower lip.

The current schedule would indicate that both of these will be gone as of about March 24, 2007. If anything comes back it will likely be a full-ish beard.

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