Monday, June 16, 2008

A Few Quick Notes 182

-Not surprisingly, today was filled with rain and overcast skies. As was the case yesterday, winds were low, and temperatures were at least approaching ten for much of the day. Apparently, though I don't know on what basis this is being suggested, we are due for some temperatures in the teens and maybe even a clear-ish day in the the near future.

-It seems that when writing my post about our foray into the realm of usage stats with Google Analytics I hadn't noticed that we seem to have actually had one hit apiece from both Indonesia and South Korea, though I can't imagine why. I guess in the future I will need to pay more attention to the light shades of green on the map displaying the origins of our visitors. Sorry if anyone's feelings were hurt through my omission.

-Kirsten and I took another trip to the library this evening. I did a little reading in one of the books that I checked out last trip and also skimmed/read sections of political science journals. My general goal is to re-familiarize myself with some of the literature of the field before I return as a student in the fall.

-Today I was able to set up my Dalhousie email address. Unfortunately, this was much more complicated that in should have been. Instead of quickly creating a NetID and password I hand to dink around for a long time and then eventually use a backdoor that Neil found to finally have a password issued. Though I couldn't believe it at first, I think that Dalhousie might have a less user friendly system than McGill.

The big plus of the Dalhousie system is that they allow me to get my university email in my Gmail account (which is particularly important considering how cumbersome the webmail application is). While McGill allowed this for a period of time they eventually clamped down and disallowed the access that was needed, costing me valuable minutes a day.

-On Thursday I should be sending a few more things to Halifax, this time with Rebecca's father. I guess I really should start to box some of this up so that it will be ready to go when he arrives in two day's time.

I am particularly looking forward to being able to use the mixer once I arrive. While in Montreal I was forced to return to the stone ages and mix everything by hand. A few of the other kitchen related implements will also be quite nice (particularly when complimented by those already possessed by Neil and Rebecca).

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