Wednesday, June 18, 2008

A Few Quick Notes 183

-Though today started off just like yesterday, overcast with hints of precipitation, things have really turned around. We now have clear blue skies and temperatures above 10. Hopefully this will last a few days, or at least a few more hours.

-Yesterday I managed to get two quick games of Settlers in. The first game, though eventually won by Peter, was remarkably close. I was about a card away from winning the turn before Peter eventually won. Fortunately, things turned around for me in the second game and I was able to trounce my opponents, even though I started with only 4 numbers.

-Last night I continued with my room cleaning operation. I was able to recycle all kinds of papers and documents that I have been storing, but not touching, for years. Another important step forward was the filing of a number of classes of documents, including pay stubs and bank statements. Hopefully with another few hours I will have things under control (though I know that even at the end of this process I will still have too many belongings).

-Through Google Analytics I have learned that at least two people seem to have found the site because of Google searches for the Goobies moose. This means that not only were people looking for things relating to the Goobies moose, but also that they selected a link to Montifax at some point during their search. I can't imagine that they were anything but disappointed by the results, particularly as it was only mentioned in passing, and certainly not discussed or described to any great extent (though note that I am re-using popular search terms to try and generate more search related traffic).

-As I was leaving work I noticed that my sunglasses seemed to be bent. As I was gently trying to unbend them they snapped in my hands. Not only does this mean that I managed to break my sunglasses, it also means that I will be without sunglasses for my ultimate game tomorrow, something that may or may not be a problem.

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