Saturday, August 15, 2009

A Few Quick Notes 342

-I think that today has been the hottest day of the year. At times it was at least 30 degrees and, supposedly, felt as though it was 38. Amazingly, for at least the past six hours it has been 30 or higher.

-Many of you likely won't be surprised to learn that I haven't been finding this heat particularly pleasant. Aside from spending much of my day sweating rather profusely, I have also been rendered somewhat less productive because of the conditions. Fortunately, I was able to get some work in before the sun made my bedroom workspace unbearable. Now that evening is approaching I am hoping that things will go back towards a reasonable temperature and that I might be able to head back to work.

-A few days ago I was able to harvest a few more pea pods and two beans from my balcony garden. As with the first batch, these were used in a beef stir-fry.

Just yesterday I finally made my first leaf lettuce harvest, just in time for Neil to use it with the burgers we had for dinner. I think he may have killed off the rest at some point today.

I am expecting a few more pea pods, some beans, and more lettuce to be ready in the near future. As you can see, the tomatoes are still a ways away from being ready to harvest (the water melon and pepper are even further away).

-Yesterday evening we acquired a new shower curtain. Shortly after it was installed I decided to test one of its more prominent features.

It seems to work, though it does feel a little bit narrower than our previous shower curtain. Hopefully water seepage won't be a problem.

-It has been a few days since I last did a full balcony garden run-down, and it seems that it may be a few more still, but I thought that I would try to post a photo of the overall progress. As you might be able to see, things are definitely growing well. I am just hoping that I don't run out of season before all of the plants finally reach maturity.

The largest change that is likely noticeable in this photo is that the tomatoes are no longer all next to each other on the brick rail. Unfortunately, over the last few days the plants have become tall enough that they are now collapsing under their own weight and have had to be moved to locations that provide some support. Two of the pots are resting against the rail while the other two have been crammed in corners. I am hoping that this solution will get me through the rest of the summer, though I am a little worried that eventually even this will not be enough.


Jessica said...

You're such a loser. I can't believe you mentioned the shower curtain but not the Buskers, the amazing West Jet pic or the Casino showgirls pictures.

Fail, Cameron.

Jessica said...

PS - don't be mad.

Cameron said...

As I was writing this post I knew that there were things I was forgetting.