Sunday, August 23, 2009

Hurricane Bill: live update 6

We just lost power.

Things are still gusty and rainy.

Neil and I are likely going to go our for a walk shortly.

I will have to keep these short as we are on battery back-up now.


Donald McKay said...

To paraphrase Bismark: Any fool can learn from experience. It takes a wise man to learn from the mistakes of others.

Neil said...

Only a fascist insists they know better than those close to the matter.

Cameron said...

It seems that we have a bit of a sauce fight in the comments section.

Donald McKay said...

Save your arguments for the families of the 'knowledgeable' who were swept off the rocks this morning at Acadia National Park.

Actually, those 5 people are not only knowledgeable, but experienced, too!

Kathy said...

Is that "hard sauce"?