Sunday, August 23, 2009

Hurricane Bill: live update 8

Neil and I just returned from our walk. Though it probably wouldn't have been advised, we ended up walking along the waterfront, just to check out what was happening. As we were walking along the waterfront we encountered a surprisingly large number of individuals, given the conditions. A number of the people we saw were much less safety conscious than we were and were on the edges of wharfs jutting out into the harbour. Neil and I were both particularly taken with one guy who simply seemed to be riding a section of floating dock (as might be clear in this short clip).

As we continued our walk we were a little surprised to see what appeared to be a wharf support beam floating in the water. Neil held on to part of the wharf structure to examine the debris.

As we were making our way back we passed the Split Crow and saw that it was open. As it was still raining heavily and as neither Neil nor I had been there before we decided to go in to get of the rain for a while. As we were sitting there we noticed that they were showing the Weather Channel coverage of Hurricane Bill. After a while they cut to a live shot of a reporter in downtown Halifax. Neil recognized the location and commented that one could likely enter the shot if they were so inclined.

The second time the same reporter from the same location Neil decided to see if he could make it. Unfortunately he got a bit of a late start and did not make it to the location before they cut away to another aspect of their coverage.

As soon as this reporter came on for a third time Neil ran out of the bar and towards the shot. Moments after he ran out of the bar the bartender asked if he was running to get in the shot. Moments later he appeared on screen as a yellow flash. When he returned he received applause from one of the customers but sat down and continued eating his meal as if nothing had happened.

By the time we were ready to leave the Split Crow things had really calmed down. Actually, I might go so far as to say that they had almost completely calmed down. Aside from a few leaves on the ground it would even be hard to tell that we had been subject to high winds and rain for the better part of the morning.

One of the few signs of strange wave activity that we did see was on part of the waterfront wharf, where some seaweed and debris had been washed ashore.

Anyway, as things seemed to have wound down I will probably wind down my live storm coverage. If things pick up again, though I don't expect them to, I may try to recommence Montifax's coverage. If possible I may try to get Neil to submit a re-cap report from his perspective (though I can't imagine that my likelihood of success if particularly high).

Hope you enjoyed our live coverage.

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