Thursday, December 07, 2006

A Few Quick Notes 32

-Another passable day, though it actually feels as though we could be in for some rain. This somewhat warmer weather has removed much of the few centimeters of snow that we received on Sunday.

-With the departure of the snow has come the return of the squirrels. On my way back from school today I saw at least three in their normal locations. Apparently wherever they did go it was not far.

-Today was my last day of classes for the year, only exams and an essay left. It is quite likely that these things will keep my quite busy until I head out for the holidays. Today’s class was quite entertaining, the professor was at his best, he got laugh after laugh will presenting his point.

-Today as I was scrambling some ground beef for lunch I started to prepare the rice that I was to eat with my meat. I went to the table in the kitchen and found the bag of rice, measured two cups and went over to the stove to pour the rice in the pan. Unfortunately, I ended up pouring the rice in the meat instead of the proper pan. My immediate reaction was one of disbelief, I didn’t know what to do. Fortunately Nithum was there, he quickly suggested that I take the large chunk of frozen meat out and then just do my best to take the meat out.

After a few moments I had pretty much separated most of rice from the beef, though there were a few signs of the mishap in both. All in all the end result didn’t really seem that bad, though if you don’t like ground beef in your basmati rice you might not have liked it.

-I just spent a while printing articles on censorship, the super-broad topic on which I have to write a paper. The last paper that I printed seemed to basically be a guide to avoid trouble with picky parents, so basically a guide to affect public library censoring. One of the earlier articles I printed had to do with depublication of government materials in the US, an interesting and possibly ineffective form of censorship.

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