Monday, December 11, 2006

A Few Quick Notes 36

-Another mediocre day, overcast and cool, but by no means cold. Apparently there was some rain or drizzle this morning, but I missed it. Seems like more of the same all week. All of this is hard to believe because for months I had been told about how harsh Montreal winters could be, and now I have something about as exciting as the Midlands, though with less snow.

-I had the pleasure of waking with a sore throat this morning. This is the time of year when one does not really want to deal with such things. I am back to my good old stand-bys, zinc and Fisherman’s Friend. Hopefully my sore throat won’t mutate into anything more serious.

-One down, two to go. This first exam today was not bad, though depending on how the professor decides to grade it my score could swing quite a bit. We found that on the first test the use of certain words and phrases were very important, more than just getting the concept correct.

-This afternoon, after a brief nap, I went out for a quick shopping expedition. I purchased some drain de-clogger, some all-purpose cleaner, some general foodstuffs, and some spices. One of the important purchases was some herbal tea to replenish my quickly diminishing supply.

-We acquired a new showerhead today. The last one squeaked quite severely, hopefully this one will be a bit better. Unfortunately, even if the showerhead does not squeak the pipes still will.

-The drain de-clogger that I purchased for $1 seemed to make the situation worse, if that is even possible. Maybe I should have splashed out for quality.

-Tomorrow is my cataloging exam! Sounds like fun!

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