Friday, December 01, 2006

Winter seems to have finally arrived

I woke up this morning to another overcast day and what appeared to be rain.

As I was getting ready I listened to CBC. The weather reports indicated that throughout the island of Montreal there was a mixture of rain and ice pellets, but that the ice pellets were still limited in their distribution.

As I was under the impression that I was in the rain section of the island I was not looking forward to going out. As I am a diligent student I persevered and went to class.

As I exited my building I was pleasantly surprised to find that our area was actually receiving snow-like ice pellets. Immediately the thought of walking to school seemed more pleasant, my entire disposition changed for the better.

In a few moments I will take a nap. Hopefully by the time I get up the ground will be covered in a fresh coat of snow, or the nearest approximation.

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