Friday, December 08, 2006

A Few Quick Notes 33

-It is a touch on the chilly side today, at the moment Environment Canada is reporting that it is -8, which is up from earlier today (according to their 24 hour trends graph). Oddly, by Monday they are expecting the temperature to rise and there to be a chance of showers. My hope is that it drops enough to make these potential showers into some form of frozen precipitation. There aren’t many types of weather I like less than cold wet falling stuff from the sky.

-Last night I went out for a beer with Val and a friend of hers. We ended up going to a brew pub on St. Denis. This place served beer in German style 1 liter units. I was reminded even more of Germany by being able to order weiss (sorry about the spelling) beer, which in Quebec is called blanche. It was a very pleasant experience, I hope to return after Christmas.

-I am really behind on my newspaper reading. There are still a few sections of last Saturday’s Globe that I need to read. I may just skim the comics and obituaries and call it a day.

-Tonight is another work night for me. At least I didn’t have to get up for a 9:00 AM class, this should be an improvement.

It looks as though a few people from my program will be there. They have been requested to be neat and tidy, we will see what happens.

-My reading on censorship has been quite informative. The American Library Association seems to have really changed its view towards the role of the library. In the late 1800s it was seen as a place that would provide wholesome materials. By the middle of the 20th century the emphasis had shifted to supporting intellectual freedom cases.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Concerning your latest experiences with German beer, don't worry about the spelling. I'd guess that even not all Germans themselves are able to spell it 100% correctly: "Weißbier"- with a "sharp s" (ß), which might actually appear to you guys more like a strange looking "b".