Sunday, December 24, 2006

A Few Quick Notes 42

-Much of the snow that has arrived over the past few days is quickly disappearing in the relatively heavy rain that is currently having. I had really hoped, and still hope, that we might still have some snow on the ground for Christmas day.

-Yesterday was “Tib’s Eve” or “Tip’s Eve” or “Tipsey Eve” in Newfoundland. This is the day before Christmas eve. It seems that the people used to go around and get loaded at this time of year, maybe even going from party to party as the night progressed. How I long for the good old days. My brother’s girlfriend recently heard it referred to as “Tim’s Eve.”

-Our Christmas tree is up and in place. To me it looks quite nice, but this may just be because I am a fan of tradition and all of my favourite ornaments are up.

-Since I arrived in St. John’s from Montreal I have been feeling a little under the weather. This condition seems to have almost been worsened, likely because of a large number of late nights and a very few number of sleeping hours. On top of all of this I haven’t even been able to regularize my napping schedule, or for that matter take many naps.

-In reference to an imaginary conversation with a cousin of mine, my sister stated that “the dog is nicer than you, and the dog bites.”

-Tonight we had roast beef for dinner (I peeled the potatoes, carrots and onions). Tomorrow night we will be having traditional Christmas Steaks (served rare so that they maintain their Christmas color). On Boxing Day we will be having Turkey with all of the traditional sides (hopefully I will peel the potatoes). The first of these three meals was very tasty, hopefully the other two will be as good or better.

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