Wednesday, December 13, 2006

A Few Quick Notes 37

-Another overcast, rainy day here in Montreal. The temperature is so high that I basically only need a coat because of the rain. The bright side of these high temperatures and lack of snow is that my flight on Saturday shouldn’t be affected by typical winter problems, all of the other seasonal issues will take care of that for me.

-My final exam for the season took place this morning. 50 multiple choice questions, only a few repeats, on an auto read card. How exciting. The exam seemed to take most people somewhere between 30 and 40 minutes. From my point of view, the main problems with the exam were the poorly written questions that left room for doubt. In several cases I got the sense that what they were looking for was not the answer that I wanted to give. I tended to side with their answer and then leave an explanatory note. This actually didn’t happen too many times, may be once or twice.

-Tonight is another work night, and like most of my work nights people from school will be heading up for a few beers. It would be nice if on occasion I could actually join them for a beer and not just clean up their empty glasses.

-As I write I am in the midst of doing a few last loads of laundry before I head out. Nithum is hoping to do the same thing shortly.

-With my last post I seem to have bumped Neil off of the front page of our blog. Clearly he is not keeping up with his blogging responsibilities.

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