Friday, December 15, 2006

Winter activities that I may not be able to do this year because of the early arrival of global warming

The following list is based on activities I have actually done in recent winters.

1. Shoveling snow
2. Sledding
3. Scrapping ice from a car’s windshield
4. Make snow angels
5. Participate in a snowball fight
6. Fishtail
7. Get trapped on a one-way street by two snow ploughs
8. Experience a white Christmas
9. Push someone into a snow bank
10. Lose money in a snow bank while trying to put it in a parking meter
11. Catch snowflakes in my mouth
12. Break my collarbone in a staged sled crash
13. Be tempted to walk on the pack ice
14. Wear my full winter outfit because it is needed
15. Seem manly in my shorts during a snowstorm

In which winter activities will you not be able to partake this year because of global warming?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I miss skating on a pond!!! They never freeze any more like they used to.