Saturday, March 21, 2009

A Few Quick Notes 291

-We are in the midst of another beautiful day in Halifax. The only complaint that might be reasonable given the present conditions is that it is a little on the cool side, being just above freezing. As I tend to think things cooler rather than warmer, I don't tend to complain about such things, so I won't in this case. I might even go as far as to suggest that the weather deserves to be given two thumbs up.

-While taking the above photos I decided to take a 'self-portrait' along the same lines. It didn't work out quite as nicely as I might have hoped, but that isn't particularly surprising, as I didn't wait for sun to be where I wanted it to be, nor did I really take much time to plan the shot.

-It seems that our Ultimate season ended last week, though we didn't know it until this week. A shortage of gym space meant that our game that was supposed to take place this week was cancelled. This was a somewhat anticlimactic way to end the season. It is also disappointing from the perspective that I now will no longer be playing Ultimate on a regular basis for at least another few weeks (if I end up signing up for a summer league).

-Last night a friend and I went to Point Pleasant Park for a while. It definitely reminded me of Newfoundland to be able to climb along a rocky beach and throw rocks into a bay. I think that I will have to make an effort to make repeat trips this summer.

-Yesterday I made a batch of humus. It is quite tangy, which is just the way I like it. I am looking forward to consuming it over the coming days.

-I am hoping to make some gingerbread tomorrow. For some reason I have been jonesing to make this recipe for a few months and haven't quite managed to find the time or reason to make it, until now. Should be fun.

-The new beans in my bedroom are continuing to develop rapidly. Between a few days ago and today they have all grown several inches. I will probably need to set up the climbing string by the end of the weekend.

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