Sunday, March 01, 2009

Live blog: Blog-off 11

In the moments after our first blog-off ended Neil cam into my room with the bottle of sparkling white w(h)ine that he had purchased to celebrate the conclusion of month long event. Though I can't say that I am glad to have lost, I am glad that the event has run its course and that I can now go back to a regular rate of posting. Hopefully this will mean that my posts will have a little more content than some of those of this past month.

To keep you coming back for more, there is some chance that I might be able to post some of the footage of the sparkling white wine uncorking tomorrow. This should provide the blog-off with a nice concluding audio-visual send-off.

Thanks for reading and following the blog-off. I thought that it ended with much more of a bang than I ever would have imagined possible.


Anonymous said...

hm... cognitively thoughts :)

Anonymous said...

в конце концов: восхитительно.. а82ч