Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Bread Pt. 2

Well, she's getting her rise on, the bread that is.

Kirsten and I, after Kirsten made an emergency flour run, eventually added the flour, sugar, and yeast to the buttermilk and butter. Eventually we had two big mixing bowls of stuff that kind of looks and acts like bread dough and only about 3 cups of flour left in the house.

At the moment we are letting the dough rise. While this is happening I am working on some rum balls. Hopefully after I finish the rum balls I will be able to prepare some hummus.

Fortunately the bread does appear to be rising, though not particularly quickly and I am not sure if the bowls will be big enough to house the risen dough. I guess I will cross that bridge when I come to it.

I had hoped to throw up a kneading video or two but as I am not using my computer to make these posts I am not really sure how to get the videos from the camera to the computer. It is also not helping that the left button of the mouse is only functional about 50% of the time.

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