Saturday, December 11, 2010

A Few Quick Notes 485

-As of about an hour ago it has been snowing. So far their isn't even a centimeter but the grass across from my window is definitely tinged with white.

-Irony of ironies, after going on and on about my search for an unscented antiperspirant my newly acquired unscented antiperspirant's odor is making me feel ill. I almost feel as though I should take a shower to get this stuff off of me.

-The female owner of the two puppies that had been using the grass across from my window as a toilet now seems to be taking her dogs a little further afield to expel their waste. Over the past few days I have seen the small dogs and their owner walking up and down our street. Whenever I see the owner I wonder if she recognizes me as the guy watching her dogs play and use the toilet from his bedroom window.

-For a while Montifax routinely took positions for or against things (being opposed to the re-naming of Parc Avenue in Montreal being one of our prominent stands). For better or worse, this tradition seems to have fallen out of practice over the past several years.

It seems fitting that we re-introduce this feature to the blog with a position that Neil and I both whole-heartedly support.

The position we are taking is against Earl Grey tea, likely the grossest of the teas. This stuff is just foul. Neither of us know why people drink it.

-I attended my department's Christmas party on Thursday evening. Unlike the version of the party I attended 2 years ago, in this instance students sat at tables with professors and vice-versa. All in all, it was a very pleasant event (a fact that was aided by the respect that was paid to my dietary limitations by the organizer).

-I believe it was yesterday when I purchased a 10 kilogram bag of flour for $5.35. What a price.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I concur with the stated Earl Grey tea sentiments. I HATE it when, typically in an airport lounge or phoney yuppie hotel restaurant, that stuff is presented as though it's a rare treat to be enjoyed by phoney-arsed hoi-poloy (who obviously don't know tea from the TEA party).