Saturday, December 04, 2010

Going Mental (in 2013)

It seems, at least according to a story by the Globe and Mail, that as of 2013 I may have a psychological disorder.

It seems likely that with the inclusion of 'selective eating disorder' in the 2013 edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders I may cross the border and enter the territory of the officially mentally compromised (though these aren't likely how most people like to use to think about such things).

Anyway, it is kind of weird to know that this change is coming and that there isn't much I can I will be able to do about it but wait and let it come.


Anonymous said...

Some time ago I passed the remains of an opened-and-then-immediately-spilled big bag of ketchup chips. I thought of you; wondered if you would have had to cross the street in order to get by.


Anonymous said...

I think some of the operative words will be: tomato, vinegar, & honey. Am I right, or am I right? What I can't understand is how you can eat black bean soup (instead of navy bean soup) and other things you have reported preparing.