Saturday, December 18, 2010

A Few Quick Notes 488

-Amazingly, much of the evidence of yesterday's flash snowfall has vanished. Maybe even more surprising is the fact that today was actually quite a nice day, it even went so far as to be above freezing.

-Yesterday I purchased a package of red peppers from the grocery store only to find that they were some of the worst red peppers I have ever had. What is strange is that while they don't appear to be spoiled they are definitely note quite as crisp as they should be and they are certainly lacking the flavour I am accustomed to finding in most of my red peppers. Hopefully I will have better luck next time.

-On a related note, Jeannette and I took a trip to the local farmers' market only to make a single substantive purchase (a $1 turnip). Of course, to find this turnip we had to brave dense groups and elbow our way past the better part of Halifax's aging yuppy population.

-Our Ultimate game didn't go particularly poorly tonight though we were at least a few points behind for most of the game. In the end the result was less than surprising and ended with us getting the loss. One of the most enjoyable aspect of the game was running across a member of the opposing team who happened to be on my first Ultimate team in St. John's in 2005.

-I am starting to think about getting ready for Christmas, for better or worse this hasn't yet meant that I have actually done that much to get ready.

-Aside from our Ultimate game and trip to the market, I feel as though I spent most of my day marking. Fortunately I am now just about done for the night/day/term. Before it I know it I will be back to studying for my comps.


Peter said...

I wonder if you could salvage the peppers by roasting them. Nothing says christmas like roasted peppers.

Cameron said...

Unfortunately, all of the peppers were stickified before I realized the problem.