Saturday, September 11, 2010

A Few Quick Notes 454

-We are presently in the midst of another beautiful day in Halifax, though, if the forecast is to be believed, this won't last through the end of the day.

-Our Ultimate play-offs are tomorrow. While we were unlucky enough to have our first game at 9:00 AM, we were also unlucky enough to be in a position that won't allow us to win anything more than a few of our games. Consequently, at least a few of us are going into this with a great outlook.

-I should probably head to the store this afternoon to pick up a chicken for dinner. On the other hand, I guess I could consider cooking the chicken breasts we already have? Though the more I think about it, this latter options seems like a bit of a suckers game - it strikes me as being just a bit too easy. Aren't humans supposed to have to work for their food?

-Apparently today is the ninth anniversary of the September 11th attacks on the World Trade Centre. In many ways it is hard for me to believe that that event took place nine years ago. Some aspects of the post-attack rush seem as vivid as if they had happened yesterday while other aspects, such as the resulting Afghanistan war, seem as though they have always existed in the background and thus don't merit much attention (though I am not saying that they do not merit attention).

On a more personal note, today is the day after the ninth anniversary of me not getting to see the Boston Red Sox play the Yankees at Yankee stadium. Tomorrow will be the ninth anniversary of me having to go into work at the UN early and then help various countries sign on to the anti-terrorism resolution that was to be brought before the UN General Assembly (something that was not as much fun as you might think it would be).

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