Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Pest invasion

I think that what I hoped would be aberrant incidents with two mice in our apartment over the past few days may actually be indicative of a wider trend; that mice are now moving indoors for the Winter.

Not only do we seem to have continued mouse activity at our apartment, this evening, when Jeannette and I entered her apartment (having just preemptively purchased some mouse traps) I saw a mouse skitter away from us. I guess the purchase of mouse traps five minutes prior was entirely justified (even if I didn't think so at the time).

Anyway, I guess many of us in Halifax will likely be experiencing similar encounters over the coming days. Hopefully they will peter out shortly, I am not sure if I am interested in having too many more of my night's sleep disrupted by mouse related activities.

On a related note, Neil and Rebecca purchased about 12 new traps tonight for several new trapping schemes. Though Neil and I disagree slightly about the best locations for the traps, I am sure that these newly acquired traps will be put to good use.


Rebecca said...

I have been listening to traps being set off since we got back. Apparently it can be hard to set up that many traps with out setting them off.

Cameron said...

I can imagine that.

Am I hoping for too much when I hope that Neil might make a quick post about his newly installed trap lines?

jlye said...

I made a post about mouse traps! It's all the rage.

Anonymous said...

I think we need to know two important bits of information not clarified in the blog. First, how big is the trapline now. Secondly, at what point does a trapline fall under rules and regulations promulgated by the Department of Natural Resources? A spin-off of question two is, are you at the point where you need to obtain a fur trapper's license?

Cameron said...

I think that there 28 traps in total, though they are not all in the same place.

Donald McKay said...

Is the landlord taking any action?

Cameron said...

I don't know, I think Neil has spoken with her.

Anonymous said...

If I had a mouse-trapping problem such as you apparently have before you, and I had an uncle who is known for his skill and ability in trapping, I would have asked him for his advice were he to have been visiting at a time when the problem was ongoing.

Of course, that's just me and what I would do.

Cameron said...

If such an Uncle happened to be a regular reader of this blog he might have known of such problems and could have volunteered his expertise while visiting.

Furthermore, I might have been able to pose such questions had I not been distracted by duties associated with making a large mid-day meal.

Additionally, I am only aware of trapping expertise as it relates to the catching of moles in Michigan. I was not aware that this Uncle was particularly familiar with the Nova Scotia mouse scene or, for that matter, any region's mouse scene.