Monday, September 13, 2010

Might be worth a listen

A few days ago I noticed that This American Life was now allowing others to embed their episodes. I thought I should mention this feature but didn't really have a good excuse.

Fortunately today I started to listen to their most recent episode and realized that it was worth sharing. Both stories in the episode deal with somewhat scary trends in the administration of 'justice' in the United States.

[Embedded audio]

If you have time, another favourite episode of mine is Running After Antelope, which features the work of Scott Carrier(my favourite This American Life contributor).

[Embedded audio]

I guess I should also mention that This American Life's entire radio archive is online and free to access. Check some of their shows out if you have the time, they are worth a listen.


Anonymous said...

This is great news. The archives were, as recently as this summer, something like a buck an episode. I've heard everything from the past year or so but nothing from before.

There goes my semester.


Cameron said...

Some would suggest that the older episodes are the better episodes, though I am not sure that I would agree with this division (though there was certainly more Scott Carrier in the early years).

That being said, the streaming episodes from their site are great. I have been listening to them for years. The only inconvenience is that you have to stream them, the downloads are only available for about a week when the episode is released.
