Monday, September 13, 2010

New stats

Montifax has now been ongoing for almost 4 years. For the first year or so we had basically no idea of our traffic numbers/readership. For the past two years, or so, we have had some basic access to readership and traffic numbers, mainly through services such as Google Analytics and Feedburner.

The general trend that these two services seemed to suggest is that we have, and have had, a somewhat small and stable readership.

More recently we have been able to access a new source of stats from Blogger, our blog's host. While this service has confirmed the general trends that I previously outlined, it has also provided a slightly clearer, and real-time, picture of how our content is typically used.

I guess the point I am getting to is that this picture, as consistent as it has been for years, is a somewhat more limited picture of our readership than it should be. Some recent tweaks to our Feedburner account have lead to indications that our readership through RSS subscriptions is actually about three times as large as I suspected. I always find it strange to learn that more people than I expect are reading this blog. I guess I shouldn't just assume that I know all of our readers by name.


Anonymous said...

Can you tell if RSS are actually open & read, or are the numbers you see simply the number of "sign up's"?

Cameron said...

I can see the number of subscribers and how many times the items are 'clicked.' I cannot tell if subscribers actually read the content to which they are subscribing.