Thursday, September 23, 2010

A Few Quick Notes 461

-We had another great day in Halifax today. Unfortunately, I didn't really get to take advantage of the great weather.

-We managed to win our Ultimate game last night, though it certainly wasn't pretty. Sadly, we should have forced the win through the power of the default though we, for reasons unknown to me, didn't take advantage of that opportunity. Anyway, the resulting game was a bit infraction-heavy and touchy, which wasn't too surprising given people's nerves going into things.

Jeannette had a somewhat different take on the game. She quite enjoyed the experience as she caught 3 of our 9 points and generally played well. Of course, even these successes are somewhat tempered by the fact one of our players broke a toe and another player bruised their knee (a somewhat serious injury that was accompanied by a somewhat serious crunching sound).

-This evening Neil and I attended the 3rd annual Ransom A. Myers Lecture on Science and Society. This evening's lecture dealt with science communication. I was particularly intrigued to hear the story about the run-up to the public of the Myers and Worm paper published in Nature in 2003. Apparently Myers and Worm worked with a science communications expert (the woman giving the lecture) to prepare for the release of the paper and were thus ready to capitalize on its release. The extent of the success of their strategy still impresses me.

-I have been busily working since school started a few weeks ago. I suspect that this pace will continue until at least the end of my degree program. Bummer.

-Apparently my breath stinks at the moment. Maybe I should go do something about it. Word on the street is that my not doing anything about it is rude.

-Oh, I guess I should also mention that Igor's effects are still being felt around Newfoundland. Not only are matters relating to property and road damage still being resolved, but key portions of St. John's (and presumably elsewhere) are still without power.

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