Sunday, September 19, 2010

Something approaching success

At about 8:00 AM this morning Neil and I were both roused from sleep by the sound of a mouse trap snapping shut. When we went out to investigate we learned that the trap had been set by a mouse, and that the mouse was still in the vicinity of the trap but was not quite dead.

After a little hemming and hawing as to how we should proceed, a scenario that likely wasn't helped by our respective sleepiness, we continued to hem and and haw. Then, as we were standing around the engaged trap, the mouse moved and engaged at least one more trap, this time catching another part of its body. The resulting situation was anything but pretty.

So this is all to say that while we were eventually able to catch yesterday's intruder it wasn't pretty, nor was it quick. Furthermore, the capturing of a third mouse in about two weeks would seem to suggest something of a real mouse problem. The only good news is that we seem to be slightly more proficient when it comes to trapping that we were even a few weeks ago.


Unknown said...

Thank goodness for traplines.

Cameron said...

Yes, they do seem to be working.