Saturday, September 11, 2010

Apparently it was illegal

A few days ago I noted the existence of a new series of graffiti ads from EastLink that were beginning to appear on local sidewalks.

Obviously, these ads didn't appear to be particularly legal, nor was I a fan of the idea of companies defacing public property for profit.

Eventually, though just before Hurricane Earl, I reported the ads to the City through an online form. While at first I saw no action and couldn't tell if my complaint had been acknowledged or not, today I was pleased to see that the ads have been removed from at least one location (the location I reported).

What I don't know is whether or not the company has been charged/fined for their offense. I guess I can use the follow-up number that was provided to me to learn exactly what will be happening to EastLink as a result of their graffiti ad campaign (which I hope they have now stopped).

Edit: Apparently The Coast also noted the problem. Furthermore, based on EastLink's Twitter account it seems that they had to deal with a degree of negative feedback regarding the ads, which were apparently made of chalk.


dgraham said...

I'm so glad to hear that it's gone now. Good work! I also hope they were fined, but who can say for now.

Cameron said...

I will try to call on Monday to see what happened and if a fine was issued.

I too am glad to see that these ads have been removed.